Mission Statement:
There’s been a backlash against film criticism in recent years. The refrain usually goes, “the only opinion that matters are your own” or “think for yourself.” And those two examples are not wrong. The art of film or any media entertainment is subjective. And I don’t pretend to be a professional critic, just a passionate lover of all media who likes to put pen to paper (or fingers on the keyboard in this brave new world.)
While this blog will feature reviews and criticism, I prefer to consider them a discussion. There’s nothing more fun than getting together with fellow film geeks, preferably after a big movie opening and watching the debate unfold. And I want the blog to function as a digital equivalent of a fierce discussion you might have after watching the newest iteration of whatever Batman movie just opened.
Meet the Writers:
Chad Rebmann
Like most writers living in Los Angeles, Chad Rebmann suffered from delusions of grandeur of fame, fortune, and world domination. A few years later, he now writes comic books and wears a lot of black. Chad’s writing credits include “The Odyssey,” “Judo Girl,” and “The 10th Muse” for Storm Entertainment (formerly Blue Water Productions). He’s also penned stories in “The Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons” for Devil’s Due Press and “Relics of Youth” for Vault comics.
When not tempering his delusions of grandeur, Chad is a major film buff and can be seen visiting major movie landmarks in the hills of Hollywood. As a recovering member of Gen X, Chad also enjoys collecting physical media and has an undying love of Star Wars, 80’s comics and music videos.

Scott DuVall
Scott DuVall is a filmmaker and projectionist living in Los Angeles. A native of Buffalo, NY, he earned his BFA in cinematography from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts School of Filmmaking in 2007. During this time, he also worked for the UNCSA Moving Image Archive, one of the country’s largest non-commercial film archives, and was trained in the fading craft of film projection. He has spent the intervening fifteen years utilizing these skills in all aspects of the film industry, from pre-production and production to exhibition. His credits include numerous film and TV productions, music videos, and short films in all aspects of cinematography, with an accent on lighting. As a projectionist, he has enjoyed time with the American Cinematheque in Los Angeles at the Egyptian and Aero theaters, 70mm roadshow engagements for releases such as Dunkirk and The Hateful Eight, several film festivals, and is currently projecting for the newly renovated Hollywood Legion Theater at Post 43 in Hollywood.
This unconventional path through the world of cinema has afforded him many unique perspectives on the artform. With an education in cinematic history and technical craft, as well as a lifelong dedication to the moviegoing experience, his tastes range from the silent era to contemporary blockbusters and everything in between. His projectionist work affords him the privilege of handling archival 35mm and 70mm film prints, which has instilled in him an appreciation for the tactile and analog roots of the medium, as evidenced by a number of his favorite films including Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, and From Russia With Love– all pre-digital masterpieces of spectacle. (A more comprehensive list may be found at his Letterboxd profile below).
An early love of Steven Spielberg has taught him that cinema holds the power to entertain the senses or to explore and uplift our own humanity; and, when done masterfully, both at once. It is this dynamic that he hopes to bring to his film criticism, along with a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor. His viewing habits range widely, so one can expect commentary on everything from the MCU to F.W. Murnau, and he hopes this will appeal to those looking to expand their own horizons and draw comparisons from across film history.
His photography can be found on Instagram at @TheOtterPhotographer and @DrinkWalkShoot. Short form reviews and ranked lists may be explored on his Letterboxd profile at username fightingpickle7. And he can occasionally be found to post on Twitter @ViceroyFizlbtm.
Christian Johnson
Christian has foregone a bio as he prefers to be an international man of mystery. That and he was too lazy to write a biography.